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Professional Growth

North Kansas City Schools is committed to investing in our staff, providing each individual employee the opportunity to grow their professional skills and capacity. Professional development (PD) takes many forms in our district, including: 

  • Full- and half-day dedicated time for collaborative PD built into the school calendar throughout the year
  • Professional Learning Teams that regularly meet across grade levels, content areas, and pathways
  • Two-year induction programs for new and beginning teachers and administrators, including a formal mentorship structure
  • Week-long optional Summer Academy with choice from hundreds of sessions
  • PK-12 cohorts focused on literacy and mathematics
  • PK-12 content-specific modules focused on instruction and technology integration
  • Catalog of peer-taught Professional Growth Courses offered throughout the year
  • Building-based book studies and programming
  • Teacher leaders serving as models and coaches; demonstration classrooms open for peer observation
  • On-demand library of instructional technology videos and guides

Dedicated Time

In recent years, in response to staff feedback and in alignment with the Strategic Plan goal “Provide protected time equivalent to one full professional development day a month for all district staff including classified, certified, and administration," our calendar has been adjusted to provide for the equivalent of at least eight full days of professional development time for every employee in NKC Schools. We believe in opportunities for continued learning and growth for all.

View the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

We will ensure, develop, and support a healthy and highly capable workforce that is passionate about meeting the needs of each other and each student. – North Kansas City Schools Strategic Plan 2022-2027

group of educators having a discussion at science lab table, smile for photo
teacher working with students at table while other teachers take notes
a group of four NKCHS teachers work on proficiency scales while enjoying a treat in the Foods classroom
educators work with math manipulatives at table together