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Teach in NKC Schools

When you teach here...

You become part of a team committed to serving as relentless champions for all students and each other. With this mission at the forefront of our work, our staff members are committed to student success and support of each other. Read more about NKC Schools' mission.

You join a community of educators committed to equity, inclusion and belonging. Our mission states that we serve as relentless champions for all students and each other, and this foundational belief is woven into all that we do. From the literature in our library media centers to our approach to facility improvements to the Educational Equity Policy adopted by our Board of Education, our commitment is built into all aspects of NKC Schools. We are proud that our district is one of the most diverse in Missouri and believe that diversity is our strength. Each day, our staff strives to foster culturally affirming and academically challenging environments where all students feel they belong. 

Three students at New Mark Middle School pose for a picture during the solar eclipse on April 8

You and your students benefit from an exceptional Education Foundation and strong community support network. NKC Schools has a long legacy of excellence in our region and positive partnerships with our neighbors, business partners and community leaders. In just the past ten years, district residents have voted to pass four ballot measures in support of our schools: three zero tax increase bond measures and one levy transfer. We firmly believe strong schools create strong communities.

You have access to the latest in 1:1 Apple technology. All teachers are provided a Mac laptop (and often an iPad, as well) with a dedicated team offering support and frequent learning opportunities on how to best utilize technology in the classroom. Students in grades K-8 are provided a district-owned iPad, and high school learners are provided their own Mac laptop. 

You can work in world-class facilities. As part of our focus on continual improvement and providing the best for our students and staff, NKC Schools is committed to wide-ranging building improvements across the district. Over the past ten years, we have built six entirely new elementary schools (two to accommodate growth and four replacing aging buildings) with another scheduled to open in fall 2025. Significant high school renovations, the addition of more collaborative and flexible spaces in many buildings, a brand-new Early Education Center (home to nearly 1,000 preschoolers!), Adult Education Center, and Professional Development Center are additional highlights of the past decade of investment. What's more, we're committed to equity amongst our facilities. With each plan, we seek to balance investments across areas to ensure all students can learn in world-class schools.

You can pick up the phone and call somebody – anybody – and they will be there to help you. - Rene C., High School Alternative Program

teacher working with students labeling classroom door
Winnetonka basketball player lifting student up to basket to make a shot

Take your teaching practice to new heights.

In North Kansas City Schools, we are committed to continual improvement – growing our skills and impact every day – and this means investing in our staff. When you join our team, you will benefit from access to high-quality professional development, resources and opportunities to collaborate across teams, grade levels, schools, subject areas and interests. 

All new and beginning teachers join a cohort of their peers in a comprehensive induction program. You'll be paired with an experienced mentor and be introduced to the variety of resources and supports we provide.

We know there is so much we can learn from each other. In North Kansas City Schools, you'll have the opportunity to observe demonstration classrooms, grow as part of a professional learning team, and dive deeper into your practice. Not only do our staff members collaborate often with their peers – they also learn from locally- and nationally-recognized experts in their fields. 

Learn more about North Kansas City Schools' commitment to professional growth.


Maplewood staff members ride bus to convocation together in 2023
three elementary staff members smile for photo at Convocation 2023
four northgate staff members smile for photo at Convocation 2023
Lakewood and Winnetonka students pose after basketball game
Top row: Staff members snap selfies as they arrive for Convocation, our annual kick off to the school year.
Bottom row: Lakewood Elementary students and staff enjoy an all-school basketball game with a guest appearance from student-athletes from Winnetonka, their feeder high school.