Gifted Education
Grades K-8
The Northland Innovation Center is home to North Kansas City Schools' SAGE (Students in Academically Gifted Education) program for learners in kindergarten through 8th grade. We are proud to serve nearly 700 students each week on our campus. Most students attend one day per week. Our PEGS (Program for Exceptionally Gifted Students) learners attend full-time.
In a typical day at the SAGE Center, choices are abundant for students of all ages. Students have opportunities to reach their highest levels of learning through units of study that involve real-world problem solving, critical thinking skills, affective learning independent study, collaborative opportunities, local competitions and foreign language. Technology use is embedded throughout the instructional practices, with students utilizing multiple digital tools to share, create and present.
High School
Students in the SAGE program at the high school level benefit from personalized services allowing each to maximize his or her capabilities. A Gifted Resource Specialist (GRS) who serves as an advisor to the gifted students in grades 9-12 is located at each high school.