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Grow Your Own Program

NKC Schools Grow Your Own Program

The Grow Your Own Program is a teacher pipeline focused on recruiting NKC Schools graduates that reflect our student demographics. Interested NKCS students can jump start their college career through dual credit classes in high school and then transition to a two-year college or four-year university. After graduation, students will have the opportunity to work in North Kansas City Schools before returning to teach in NKCS.

Graduated students admitted to this program will be paired with a mentor teacher from NKCS, who will support them in high school, throughout college, and during their first two years of teaching. They will meet regularly throughout the program to ensure success. Mentors will be of support, even connecting with tutoring resources if necessary. Mentors will be available to help answer questions and best prepare candidates for their teaching careers!

Students will leave college with limited debt accrued by working for the district and through Missouri’s A+ Scholarship program. Students who have earned the Missouri’s A+ Scholarship will receive free tuition at Metropolitan Community College or potential scholarships at several local universities. Participants can also work for North Kansas City Schools while attending their postsecondary institution.

View the brochure below to learn more!

Interested in the Grow Your Own program?

Contact your high school counselor or NKC Schools' Human Resources Department

"The program has helped me grow as an educator in a district that is so close to my heart. What made it appealing to me was being able to have that true hands-on experience and opportunities to work part-time in the district before graduating. It has been great to come back and teach at NKC Schools."

– Samara McKellar, third-grade teacher

"When I was a sophomore, my AVID teacher and principal knew that teaching was my end goal and shared that Grow Your Own would be a great opportunity for me. I have always dreamed of coming back to the North Kansas City School District to work. So, to me this feels like a dream come true. Knowing that I am going to have my own classroom in a district I have looked up to is beyond exciting."

– Megan Long, first-grade teacher

"I have always loved the idea of coming back to the district I grew up in to teach and show children how we can all be lifelong learners. I don't think I would be where I am today without the multitude of people that I've connected with through this program."

– Kathrine Renevier, second-grade teacher

Grow Your Own Program Brochure

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