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At A Glance

Where Funds Come From & How They're Spent

  General Fund Special Revenue (Teachers) Fund debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Food Service Fund Student Activity fund
Funding Sources Local: Property taxes, penalties, interest and other tax-related investments, co-curricular, other local sources
State: Foundation School Program, other state sources 
Federal: ESEA, IDEA, school food services, other federal sources
Local: Property taxes
State: State funds
Federal: Federal funds
Local: Property taxes, penalties, interest and other tax-related investments Local: Property taxes and investments Local revenues Local revenues
How Money Is Used For daily operational expenditures such as salaries, contracted services, supplies, other costs, and capital outlay For specific functions or activities as established by the grant, i.e. teachers' salaries and benefits For payment of interest, principal, and other related fees for general obligation bonds For acquisition, construction or improvements to land or buildings including related fees For all revenues and expenditures related to the provision of school food services.  For money raised by the students for the students