North Kansas
City Schools District
General Fund | Special Revenue (Teachers) Fund | debt Service Fund | Capital Projects Fund | Food Service Fund | Student Activity fund | |
Funding Sources | Local: Property taxes, penalties, interest and other tax-related investments, co-curricular, other local sources State: Foundation School Program, other state sources Federal: ESEA, IDEA, school food services, other federal sources |
Local: Property taxes State: State funds Federal: Federal funds |
Local: Property taxes, penalties, interest and other tax-related investments | Local: Property taxes and investments | Local revenues | Local revenues |
How Money Is Used | For daily operational expenditures such as salaries, contracted services, supplies, other costs, and capital outlay | For specific functions or activities as established by the grant, i.e. teachers' salaries and benefits | For payment of interest, principal, and other related fees for general obligation bonds | For acquisition, construction or improvements to land or buildings including related fees | For all revenues and expenditures related to the provision of school food services. | For money raised by the students for the students |