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Enrollment & Registration

Families have convenient 24-hour a day, seven day a week access to the online registration feature. If you do not have internet access, please contact your attending school for dates you can come to the building to register. Computers and staff will be available to help you. Please note that enrollment is not accessible through Internet Explorer; other browsers such as Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome are recommended. 

To begin, please select the student type that best describes your child:  

New Students for 2024-2025 (Current Year)

Students new to the district enrolling for the current 2024-25 school year. (open now) 

Early Education Students

Details for students enrolling in early education programs, including Early Childhood Special Education, Center- and School-Based Preschool, and Tuition-Paid Preschool. If you have received information from the EEC regarding enrollment, please use the link above for New Students to enroll in the appropriate school year.

Kindergarten Students

Information specific to students beginning kindergarten.